Number of Faculty Members: 427 full-time faculty members dispersed among our schools, departments and research centers
Degrees Offered : 38 major fields of study in B.Sc. program, 135 major fields of study in M.Sc. program and 73 major fields of study in Ph.D. program are offered by our faculty members.

Number of IUST Publication: more than 1346 journal papers including ISI were published in 2016. Also 298 national and 423 international conference papers have been presented in scientific gatherings.
Number of Conferences and Festivals: IUST hosted 13 national and international conferences in 2016.
Number of Research Centers: 36 interdisciplinary research groups and 12 research centers form the main campus of the university.

Students & Alumni
Number of Students : 14434 students as of fall 2017 including 4189 undergraduates, 6705 Masters, 1644 Ph.D. and 1898 B.Sc. and M.Sc. students in E-learning programs.
Certificates Granted in 2016-2017: 1829 degrees are granted in Bachelor, Master and Doctoral programs.
Profile of Admitted Freshman: 971 B.Sc. students, 2841 M.Sc. students and 258 Ph.D. students enrolled in fall 2017
Number of Alumni: More than 62500 students have been graduated at B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels since the establishment of University.